Success Stories

Becoming Foster Parents:
Randy and Emily's Story
Family is everything to Randy and Emily. Becoming foster parents has allowed them to share their love and family values with children who have never known loving, close-knit bonds. Randy and Emily are able to bring vital relationship-building connections to children in need and create stable environments for them to find happiness and thrive.
Watch Randy and Emily's Story
Randy: It's just made me a better person. I mean, overall, it's made me a better person. You know, you see people... Sorry. Knowing these boys' history is just, it makes me sick. It makes me sick that people could treat kids like that. They don't need that.
Emily: They didn't know what love was. They didn't know that hugging and kissing, you know, on cheeks, was something that family members did, and we do that all the time. One evening, the older brothers came to our home, very unexpected, came over for a visit for a couple hours, and we saw our older foster child go up to his brother and hug him, and because that's what we do. And you could tell the older brother was a little uncomfortable, not quite sure why he was getting the hug, but our older foster child just said, you know, just hugged him and said, "I love you." And it was coolest thing ever to see that that was something that meant something to him.
The boys are, they're thriving. I mean, just in the five months, you can see the change in them, from a behavior, from a manners, from just the demeanor. Boys Town has been very instrumental in everything we've done.
Randy: I mean, Boys Town's training is top-notch. I mean, they really, truly gave us the tools and the techniques that we needed to be successful in being foster parents. I wouldn't give this up for anything in the world. You couldn't make me give these boys up. It's impacted us. Specifically for me, it's been one of the greatest things in the world because of, I'm seeing a different side to, not only to you, to my son, to these boys, even myself and how I act around other people and interact with other people. It has been one of the best experiences I've ever gone through.
Emily: Being a foster parent helps me realize I have my priorities straight. My priority is my family.