Success Stories

Josie's Success Story
Josie's foster parent Kristy tells us…
“Fostering with Boys Town has been so rewarding.
It's been quite the ride. But if I had to do it all over again,
I'd do it in the exact same manner … with Boys Town on my side.”
Kristy always knew in her heart that she wanted to be a foster parent. But even growing up with that knowledge, deciding to foster is a big decision. That's why she and her husband turned to Boys Town.
Watch Josie's Story
Josie: That it's kind. And that it's safe.
Mom: I absolutely love being a foster parent. I've always wanted, I don't when I had that moment when I wanted to be a foster parent, but I knew in my heart even when I was in high school that fostering or adopting would be somewhere in my future.
Dad: Emerson, our oldest daughter, takes it upon herself to do crafts and fun things with her. Teach her Tiktok dances.
Mom: Emerson and Josie are very much alike. They are both super creative, very right brained.
Dad: Emerson got a goal of making her a great volleyball player. Because Emerson skipped a few years playing volleyball and is playing catchup now.
Mom: So, yep she wants to help Josie become this pro volleyball player. So, they just have a really neat relationship.
Emerson went out of her way to make her adoption party special by learning how to do the balloon animals. She was the one that said we need to have cotton candy and snow cone machine and pony rides.
I would hope that the children who leave our home would leave with the relationship with us. In addition to some real-life skills and just knowing that they are loved. Basically, just knowing that they have more family than they came here with. That they have the relationship They can call us years from now if there was a sibling that needed a placement with one of our kids. Absolutely.
Dad: For sure.
Mom: Yes, we would make a way and our family and our kids would be on born with that.
Dad: Being a foster parent with Boys Town is surprisingly much easier than I thought because of the support Boys Town gives us.
Mom: Fostering with Boys Town has been so rewarding. It's been quite the ride. But if I were to do it I would do it all over in the exact same manner … with Boys Town on my side.
Dad: It really has been one of the best things we have ever done.
Josie: I love my family