Success Stories

Jennifer's Story
Jennifer's life didn't truly come into focus until she came to Boys Town. Once she accepted her new circumstances, she quickly realized how lucky she was to be part of a loving, caring family. Eventually, Jennifer graduated and joined the U.S. Navy, which took her around the world, further broadening her horizons.
Watch Jennifer's Story
When I first went into my family home, it was terrifying. I was with eight other girls that I didn't know. I had two new parents and an assistant that were there, and I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was just scared. Once I got past the being angry part, I loved this place. My family teachers were Mack and Carrie Stewart. And they're amazing. They were the first people that showed me what loving parents are like, and they just really made me feel special, and they made me feel loved. I was able to participate in sports, I was in ROTC, and I was in Voices, and I went to church, and I got to do things that I'd never done before.
I decided to join the military, because I didn't want to go home. Two weeks after I graduated from here, I left for boot camp for the Navy. What the military did for me, was I was just so used to a super structured environment from Boys Town. I feel like if I wouldn't have joined the Navy then I kind of would have fallen apart, because I didn't know which way to go. The Navy kept me in line and told me what to do, when to do it. I still needed that. I was in the Navy for 10 years, and I was stationed in San Diego, California the whole time. I did multiple deployments. I got to travel the world and see a lot of really cool things.