Success Stories

Success: Gavin's Story
Recently expelled from middle school, Gavin came to Boys Town a troubled and angry young man. Once here, he found his focus and developed a love for helping those in need. This led him to Boys Town’s Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program and a bright career path.
Watch Gavin's Story
Gavin: Before Boys Town, I was in and out of different homes in my family. I lived in Ohio with my dad and I didn't get along. And I had just started middle school and gotten kicked out of middle school.
Gavin: I had moved into a home in the valley here at Boys Town and it was different. I had met a few different kinds of kids and I was a little nervous. I didn't think people would like me much.
Gavin: My family teachers, Tony and Simone, basically became my surrogate parents when I was a very young age and went through a lot with me.
Stevie: Gavin was such a kind, compassionate kid. Talked all the time. Gab, gab.
Gavin: When I went through the CNA program, I didn't really want it as a career but it is my career now. I didn't realize how much I'd fall in love with it and it's really set me off. Because when I leave Boys Town, I wasn't really planning on college because just I don't feel like I'd be ready. There's too much as stake for me too lose that I have already gained at Boys Town. And so now when now I work as a CNA, it's a college degree and I got that while in high school. So it's really set me off on a good path.
Stevie: We went and visited, it was called an adult day care. Where people take their loved ones that can't stay home alone during the day. There was a lady there that was in a wheelchair that couldn't speak but she could understand. I watched Gavin and it brought tears to my eyes. This young man, his talking incessantly that he always did was so meaningful to this lady because she couldn't talk. He talked to her just like he was talking to his grandma. And she just looked at him with her eyes and she actually smiled and tried to grab his hand and hold his hand, and he just grabbed her hand and held it.
Gavin: It had such an impact just because I've a very personal person and working with people would really help me. And so when I go do that, I know I'm helping somebody and that'll make me feel that much better and keep me away from doing things that could hurt me. And so it's really about me giving back to others the way Boys Town has for me.
Stevie: He's working down there and he's earning his own way and has his own apartment. And it's because he took a career with him from Boys Town, and he started his own life.