Success Stories
Boys Town Kids Give Back
Serving others is an important part of kids’ lives at Boys Town. It not only contributes to their personal growth and development, but it also shows the surrounding community how much the students care. From ringing bells to serving food to the homeless, the kids at Boys Town are regularly exposed to the power of giving back.
Kedra: It's been documented that people who serve other people, it just betters their heart in just amazing ways. So, we put that into our curriculum for the students to be able to serve others in lots of different capacities. There's so many different things that they can do to serve others.
Shay: I'm Shay, I'm from Boys Town and today we are raising money for the Salvation Army. It's important for us to get out and give back to the community because people have given so much to us.
Jeff: Well, the Salvation Army relies very heavily on volunteers to help us with our Christmas fundraising efforts. And so, we can't begin to say thank you enough to Boys Town for all their help with the bell ringing this season. God Bless them all.
Harmony: I think it's important to help out people, because at Boys Town a lot of the time we have a reputation of like not being that good of people. So, when we go out into the community we not only give back but we change the way people view Boys Town.
Dawn: We couldn't serve the number of dinners that we do without volunteers. So, we're so thankful for the many families from Boys Town, kids from Boys Town that come to help us serve these meals.
Jacob: My name is Jacob and today we are volunteering at the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home.
Jeff: I feel like it's important for the kids to come out here and volunteer because these people gave a lot to our country and they don't get a whole lot of visitors. This is just one way, we come out about once a month, to visit them, make them feel important and special for the day.
Jacob: Sometimes they have a few of the Veterans here were actually at Boys Town so we learn a lot about their lives and what it was like back then for them and it's just a lot of fun.