Success Stories

Annie's Story
After the death of her father, Annie ran wild, becoming increasingly rebellious with each passing year. At her wit's end, Annie's mother eventually sent her to Boys Town. After struggling initially, Annie flourished in her new environment, excelling both academically and athletically, eventually going on to become mayor and homecoming queen.
Watch Annie's Story
Annie's Mom: My husband was the town barber. So he knew everyone and everyone knew him. Both girls were close to their Dad and he loved taking them shopping on Monday's. My husband was sick for a couple of years and we just didn't know exactly what was wrong. He was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer.
Annie: Yeah my Dad was more the control and so when my Dad died my Mom just like shut down like and then I would just... like it was my fault because I would just take advantage of her.
Annie's Mom: Annie is a type of individual that when she wants something or sets her mind on getting something, she will go to great measures to get that. We'd had issues, behavioral issues such as strong willed and noncompliance and not following rules. If I didn't get help soon the rebelliousness and the trying to go against the rules would get us into deeper trouble in and particularly Annie. Had we not chosen Boys Town at the time that we did, I feel that we were headed down the wrong path.
Annie: Since I've been at Boys Town, my Mom and I, we get along better. We don't have arguments that burst into like big flares of you just getting really upset. Now we're able to calmly walk through different situations or different struggles that may come up.
Annie's Mom: They've given her opportunities to excel and with excelling she has come to be more confident in her own self.
Announcer: The Mayor of Boys Town is Annie (inaudible 00:02:19)
Annie's Mom: I think that is shown through the National Honors Society, through her grade point average, through being Mayor of Boys Town and through being elected Homecoming Queen. You know she's had opportunities that have continually built her up and I think that was so important to her. She just loves doing every sport and I think it's given her the opportunity to be a leader in those sports teams.
Annie: Boys Town has helped me develop confidence as a team captain, as a leader on the team.
Annie's Mom: What Boys Town has given Annie the most is a sense of well-being, a sense of confidence and of knowing what it is in life that she wants. That she can succeed at what she sets her mind to.
Annie: I wanted to change and make things better for myself and now, seeing how warm and how successful I am, I'm so happy that I changed.
Annie's Mom: I can't thank Boys Town enough. They've given me back my daughter.
An Update From Annie
Boys Town graduate Annie is thriving at work and in life in Kansas City. She is putting the tips and tools she learned at Boys Town to work everyday in her career. Annie also credits Boys Town for helping her learn how to embrace her strengths, set goals and do the right thing — even when no one else is watching.
Annie graduated from Boys Town in 2014. Let’s see what she’s up to today.
Annie: a lot of people say you realize your strengths and weaknesses in your first job. And I've actually been able to take my rather controlling type of personality and I use it for good.
Annie: Right now I live in Kansas City, Missouri and I work downtown at a marketing firm called Novella Brand House. I love my job.
Elizabeth: I think that whenever you hire somebody, you'd always hire them for a particular position. And when they take the initiative to not only grow that role but also add more to the team and to what we provide to our clients it's always a win-win for everybody.
Annie: I'm a definitely much more changed person. Your true reality or your true self is what you do behind closed doors. That's what integrity is. I try to hold myself to that because that's what people don't see and that defines your character.
Boys Town also taught me how to have goals for myself. So even today I know what some of the goals that I want in life and a lot of that came from having to work through it at Boys Town and knowing my true potential.
Annie: top goal like ultimately in life I wanna be a CEO of a company.
Pat: I'm very proud and I'm so thankful to Boys Town because I know that without the experience here, it would not turn out in such a positive way.
Boys Town is very unique. I don't think there's a lot of programs in the country like it. And it needs to keep going, it needs to be there for kids.