Former Family Teacher Christmas Present Donations

Hilltop Mall and Fed Ex help deliver Holiday Joy to Boys Town Foster Care Children

Our sincerest thanks to Hilltop Mall and Fed Ex for their support in coordinating the gifts and Giving Tree this past holiday season in Central Nebraska. Their help made a significant impact on the children in our foster care program and the families we work with.

For many children, Christmas is a time of joy, wonder and excitement. It is a season that brings families together and creates lasting memories. However, for the children in our care and the families we support, the holidays can be a challenging time. Your efforts have helped ensure these children could experience the magic of Christmas, just like any other child. The gifts and essential items provided through the Giving Tree brought smiles and happiness to many faces, creating moments of joy they will cherish forever.

The kindness of strangers, like those who participated in the Giving Tree, has a profound impact. It shows these children and families they are not alone and there are people in the community who care about their well-being. This sense of support and compassion can make a world of difference, providing hope and encouragement during difficult times.

The support provided was invaluable, and we truly appreciate the commitment to our community. We are incredibly fortunate to have such compassionate and community-minded partners. Their kindness has made a lasting difference, and we look forward to continuing this wonderful partnership in the future.

We also had Former Family Teachers Leah and Tom, who reside in Hastings, reach out to express their interest in sponsoring a child. We recently placed an 8-year-old in one of our homes shortly before the holidays. This child has a particularly heart-wrenching story, and we felt it was fitting to pair them. The child’s quote, in Spanish, is listed on page 2. Such a sweet little soul who was incredibly grateful to experience Christmas. Leah’s picture with the gifts is included above.

Below are some reactions from the children and families who benefited from the Giving Tree and local donations. Their words reflect the joy and gratitude they felt thanks to your generosity.

  • “Estos son pari mi, muchas gracias, dios los bendiga, nuca eh tendio muchos regalos”. This translates to, “These are for me? Thank you so much! May God bless you! I have never had this many gifts.” -- said by an 8-year-old boy in foster care.
  • “I got a sweet nerf gun for Christmas, come look at it.” -- said by a 7-year-old boy in foster care.
  • “I got a sweater, in my favorite color, how did they know? I also got new water cups.” -- said by a teenage girl in foster care.
  • A foster parent reported a boy in their home LOVED his semi-truck, has been playing with it since he opened it and has been wearing and organizing the boots he received.
  • A foster parent stated the 3-year-old in their home couldn’t wait to put on her new outfit, she wore it on Christmas Day! She and her little sister loved the fire truck! The 1-year-old loved her cozy socks, and she loves the train she got with all the noises it makes with the zoo animals; she can name them all!
  • A grandparent who is caring for her two granddaughters stated the girls were both excited with the gifts they got and even mentioned “This is what I wanted!” The grandmother also shared the girls loved their cozy fluffy blankets (it’s been keeping them warm this winter). The grandmother also said they are thankful for the gifts, it means a lot to them.
  • A foster parent of a 14-year-old girl said she was so happy with her gifts and she was smiling the whole time opening them. She was most excited about her makeup and asker her foster mom to teach her about skin care. 
  • One family expressed so much gratitude to everyone because they’ve been struggling financially this year. The parent made a comment that she couldn’t buy much so she was very appreciative of the gifts. This family talked a lot about how they played their ‘UNO: Show No Mercy’ game for almost 4 hours straight one day over the holiday break.
  • Another family showed appreciation for the clothes for their teenage son, as the mom was starting a new job, struggling financially and didn’t have many clothes that fit her son anymore.

Your support is appreciated throughout the year by Boys Town Central Nebraska. If you would like to support our mission of Saving Children and Healing Families, please reach out to us at 308-381-4444 or email us at You can also visit our website at to learn more about our services.

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