Early Head Start

Early Head Start – Now Enrolling!

​​​​One of ​the most important tasks for parents of an infant or toddler is getting their child ready for school. School readiness is the key to a child's future acad​emic success, not only in the classroom but also in relationships with other students and teachers and the development of positive study and learning habits.

Boys Town Louisiana partners with five childcare providers across eight centers to deliver free, high-quality early childhood education and comprehensive family support services. Our programs serve children and families in the Central Business District, Central City, Algiers, Mid-City and New Orleans East, ensuring access to essential early learning opportunities that lay the foundation for lifelong success.

It is never too early for parents to begin preparing their child for a life of formal learning.

Early Childhood Development Centers Partnerships

Boys Town Louisiana and Head Start ® recognize this great need in our community. That's why they have teamed up with four local Grade A early childhood development centers. These include: ​

  • Hoffman Early Learning Center (ONE APP ID: 876)
  • Kids of Excellence (ONE APP ID: 789)
  • Wilcox Academy of Early Learning (ONE APP ID: 996)
  • SEA Too & SEA 3 (ONE APP ID: 967)

The School Readiness Partnership provides high quality, comprehensive and seamless school readiness services for families of infants and toddlers in low-income New Orleans communities. These services are mainly for young parents who could benefit from learning additional parenting skills and having additional support and resources to help them reach their goals and build a happy, healthy family.

Early Head Start Offers:

  • A full-day early childhood program with a research-based curriculum at a Four Star quality child care facility
  • Ongoing assessments to monitor a child's progress
  • Dental, health, nutrition, mental health and disability services
  • Family-based support services that can meet needs identified by the ​family. These include:
    • Boys Town In-Home Family Services ®— Trained Consultants work with families in the comfort of their own homes, providing support and assistance, enhancing parenting skills, and linking families to needed resources in the community.
    • Boys Town Care Coordination Services — In this case management program, Consultants identify a family's strengths and needs, and link them to services that will help support and nurture their well-being while promoting school readiness for children.
    • Boys Town Common Sense Parenting ®(CSP) — CSP classes are presented by trained instructors who teach parents how to enhance their parenting skills and build healthy relationships with their infants and toddlers.
    • Successful Futures - Workforce development program with local community partners​.


To find out if you qualify for the Early Head Start program or for more information, please call Boys Town Louisiana's administrative offices at 504-518-7840.

Applicants should have the following information available:

  • ​Proof of income
  • Child's legal birth certificate
  • Proof of residency
  • Child's immunization records
  • Proof of pregnancy (for pregnant women)
  • Medicaid or insurance card

Early Head Start Address:

 6600 Plaza Drive Suite 212
New Orleans, LA 70127

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