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One Square Mile

​​In this one​ square mi​le, Father Flanagan's dream began.

A dream that grew from the stead​fast belief that no child is beyond hope and healing. Father Flanagan's dream was born​ in Omaha o​ver 100 years ago and it has rippled across the country, making Boys Town a nationwide leader in the care of America's children.

Father Flanagan opened his orig​inal home for boys in 1917, but quickly outgrew the space as more wayward boys came to him for help. He envisioned a large, open, natural area away from the temptations of the city and the neighbors, who had become increasingly uneasy about living near his troop of young residents, ill-clothed, struggling educationally and most controversially of all, racially and religiously mixed. The search ended on October 22, 1921 when Father Flanagan purchased Overlook Farm, a 160-acre piece of land. Watch the video below to learn more about this pivotal move in Boys Town's history.

A Road Much Traveled

Today, all that remains of Birch Drive are a few decaying slabs of concrete. But back in its day, it was the final road to rescue for many young boys with nothing left to lose. They came from the streets of Omaha, and even from as far away as New York and California. But regardless of where they began their journeys, each one walked down that famed birch-lined street to the new life that awaited him.

The Writings of Father Flanagan

The work will continue, you see, whether I am there or not, because it is God's work, not mine.

Fr. Flanagan

There is no such thing as a bad boy.

Fr. Flanagan

I felt that there must be another way—the way of love and kindness—of training and teaching—of learning to do by doing.

Fr. Flanagan

The poor, innocent, unfortunate little children belong to us, and it is our problem to give them every chance to develop into good men and good women.

Fr. Flanagan

Without God at the beginning, there can be only confusion at the end.


No race that does not take care of its young can hope to survive, or deserves to survive.

Fr. Flanagan

Our country needs good men and good women who have learned to love God above all things, and their fellow man for the love of God.

Fr. Flanagan

There is nothing the matter with our growing boys that love, proper training and guidance will not remedy.

Fr. Flanagan

I do not believe that a child can be reformed by lock and key and bars, or that fear can ever develop a child's character.

Fr. Flanagan

It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate.

Fr. Flanagan

I have yet to find a single boy who wants to be bad.

Fr. Flanagan

A boy given the proper guidance and direction - kept busy and constructively occupied during their leisure or free time - will prove my statement that there is no such thing as a bad boy.

Fr. Flanagan

I feel that school buildings throughout the nation which stand idle after school hours are a waste of available space and the taxpayer's money when constructive programs could be offered through their intelligent utilization.

Fr. Flanagan

Rehabilitation needs greater emphasis, ​punishment less.

Fr. Flanagan

I know when the idea of a boys' home grew in my mind, I never thought of anything remarkable about taking in all of the races and all of the creeds. To me, they are all God's children. They are my brothers. They are children of God. I ​must protect them to the best of my ability.

Fr. Flanagan
Father Flanagan with kids from Boys TownFather Flanagan with kids from Boys Town

Support Father Flanagan's Dream

​​With your partnership, we will keep this dream alive and continue to innovate a​nd drive change over the next 100 years by constantly putting children and families first.

Father Flanagan Stories

Father Flanagan was a true visionary of his time. Get to know more about the man who founded Boys Town in this 5-day email series featuring photos and messages of insight and inspiration.

Get your first issue today by telling us where we can send it.

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