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Boys Town Logo

Residential Treatment Center

Proven Medically Directed Treatment Programs

​​For families struggling with a troubled child or teenager who is experiencing severe behavior or mental health problems, or families that have experienced unsuccessful results with mental health providers in the past, Boys Town is here to help.

Our Residential Treatment Center at the Boys Town National Research Hospital provides treatment that is secure, safe and medically directed for children ages 5-17 with behavioral problems. Boys Town is helping troubled youth who have:

  • History of school failures
  • Experienced physical or sexual abuse
  • Problems with authority
  • Poor peer relationships
  • Aggression
  • Self-Injury
  • Risk for psychiatric hospitalization

Boys Town Residential Treatment Center is a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility and is licensed by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Our school program is licensed by the Nebraska Department of Education, and we are accredited by The Joint Commission.

Inside Look: Residential Treatment Center

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