In-Home Family Services

Keeping Families Together
Every family has its problems, but some families' problems threaten their very existence. Drug and alcohol addiction. Domestic abuse. Adolescent defiance and behavioral challenges. These are issues that Boys Town In-Home Family Services consultants work to overcome as they strive to keep struggling families together. When we enter a family's home, it is non-judgmental and we meet the family where they are at. And, we understand that these situations can be difficult and stressful.
Boys Town In-Home Family Services Consultants give parents the resources, skills and tools they need to handle difficult situations in their family.
Watch These Dedicated Professionals in Action
Misty: My name is Misty Sweezy. I work for Boys Town In-Home Family Services. I'm working with children and families to learn parenting skills, adapt to positive pro-social engagement, such as helping to get parents back on track successfully with their children.
Misty: Hi, how are you?
Stephanie: Good. How Are you?
Misty: In-home Family Services with Boys Town has been working with Stephanie and her two daughters. Daughter: It's purple.
Misty: She was a survivor of domestic violence and was also needing some assistance with learning parenting skills as she had just gained custody of her daughter.
Stephanie: There was a lot of trauma and child abuse and a lot of things that were going on with Renly that I was unaware of, and I was alienated from. Having In-home Family Services through Boys Town actually taught me how to use my voice and stick up for myself. And that has brought me to that this point where I'm fully able to raise my daughter, educate her, and get her the therapy and the help she needs. Misty: Initially working with Stephanie's daughter, the fear of being anywhere outside of her mom's presence, increased behaviors with screaming, yelling, crying, hitting others, extreme defiance, and that is no longer the case.
So some of the strategies I worked with the daughter on were coping skills of identifying strategies that helped her calm down, shown improvement with reading, spelling, uh, loves Science now is actually wanting to participate in school. Stephanie: Misty is an amazing woman. She's an amazing person. She knows what she's doing and she can really connect and change somebody's life for the better. My plans for the future are to continue with school and to continue about my journey and heal with my children to get my degree in psychology.
Misty: I'm so proud of Stephanie and her family and I look forward to the brightest future for them as they are able to utilize all the skills and support that Boys Town provided to them.
Stephanie: Even though we were placed together, that was the best placement ever because I think, I feel like I made a friend, if not family.