Boys Town is about teaching values and skills children can carry through their adult lives, and Yvonne Wilson has embodied that mission throughout her career at Boys Town.
She and her husband started out as Family-Teachers over 30 years ago. They began by working in a girl's home, helping girls from all over the United States, from age 7 through 19. Yvonne and her husband also have two children of their own.
Teaching All Aspects of Life
Yvonne said it was important to teach children life skills and aspects of following through with tasks and assignments, but to also letting them know that life can be fun too.
"Study hour was one of our favorites," she said. "You could teach so many skills with time management, showing them that they could finish this task, and if not, there's someone around to ask for help."
But it wasn't all hard work and studying. Some of Yvonne's favorite memories involved holidays and celebrations.
"We would make birthday cakes with kids who had not celebrated a birthday before," she said.
Going to Okoboji was also a highlight of the year. She said that helped show kids that life is not just all about work, and that relaxation and enjoyment are important too. "We really grew as a family during those times," she said.
Helping Kids Grow in Faith
Yvonne also taught Protestant religion at Boys Town and worked with kids on faith formation. "We make sure that if a child has a faith already, such as Jewish or Muslim, that they get plugged into that faith community."
After working as a teacher, Yvonne worked on the Boys Town Hotline®, helping at-risk youth, and sometimes parents, who were facing crisis. "The training was so amazing, whatever the scenario, you had training on it already, practice on it already and tons of support.
"That's Boys Town all over," she said. "Everybody in the community helps each other."
Yvonne now volunteers by leading the Mother's Guild, a group that helps kids get clothes and basic necessities when they arrive at Boys Town.
Yvonne’s three decades at Boys Town have been marked by her dedication to teaching and nurturing children. Her work has left a lasting impact, and through her continued involvement, Yvonne remains a vital part of the Boys Town community, embodying its values of care and support.