The film captures the journey of a Boys Town Family Home and its eight boys as they strive for graduation. It also explores the complexities of the juvenile justice system and the communities from which these children come.
At the heart of the film is the remarkable legacy of Father Flanagan, the visionary founder of Boys Town, who held one core, unwavering belief: "There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment, bad training, bad example, and bad thinking."
Blue Baby follows eight formerly incarcerated teens over the course of four years as they navigate life within a rehabilitative community that serves as an alternative to prison. Showing the personal and societal shortcomings that led to their incarceration and then their subsequent enrollment at Boys Town, the film raises complex questions about both the possibilities and limitations of reformation. Not all stories have happy endings, but at the heart of the film is the remarkable legacy of Father Flanagan, the visionary founder of Boys Town who had one firm, impossibly optimistic belief: There are no bad boys.
Produced by Matters Media, directed by Josh and Lisa Sabey, and starring Tommi Aleman, Kim Avery, & Varshay Graham.