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Movie poster for Blue Baby

You're Invited to a Special Screening of Blue Baby: A Fight for America's Youth

Boys Town Contributor

The 7PM screening is ticketed and will be followed by a Q&A with members of the film's creative team, for a $20 suggested donation. Purchase a $40 Star Supporter ticket and generously help off-set the cost of a student or senior's reduced price ticket! Get your tickets now.

The film captures the journey of a Boys Town Family Home and its eight boys as they strive for graduation. It also explores the complexities of the juvenile justice system and the communities from which these children come.

At the heart of the film is the remarkable legacy of Father Flanagan, the visionary founder of Boys Town, who held one core, unwavering belief: "There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment, bad training, bad example, and bad thinking."

Blue Baby follows eight formerly incarcerated teens over the course of four years as they navigate life within a rehabilitative community that serves as an alternative to prison. Showing the personal and societal shortcomings that led to their incarceration and then their subsequent enrollment at Boys Town, the film raises complex questions about both the possibilities and limitations of reformation. Not all stories have happy endings, but at the heart of the film is the remarkable legacy of Father Flanagan, the visionary founder of Boys Town who had one firm, impossibly optimistic belief: There are no bad boys.

Produced by Matters Media, directed by Josh and Lisa Sabey, and starring Tommi Aleman, Kim Avery, & Varshay Graham.

I have really never found a boy who wanted to be bad.

A hundred years ago, Father Flanagan started homeless shelters for homeless men.

And then the first 14-year-old boy showed up at the shelter.

And that's when Boys Town started.

Chris has always been a good kid, smart kid.

But when they took my brother, things changed.

The shooting will bring you the latest details on air and on our website, PTT.

Yeah, can you hear me?

This is my first visit with my son.

They're quick to put us in jail because you did something wrong, but they don't want to figure out why we're doing the things that we do.

I went to jail, and I got out.

I went back to jail.

So they sent me here.

Part of what makes Boys Town unique is our mission to change the way America cares for children and families.

It's not like misbehavior is ignored.

We're teaching them a skill.

We're not correcting a moral failing.

It goes against the grain of what people have believed about problem behavior for thousands of years.

That goes back to Father Flanagan, because his word was really simple.

There are no bad boys.

And then he proved it, because he put a new environment around these kids, and they behaved differently. It is snowing.

Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Jose got a monarch.

Let's imagine that you're in a rush to get to work, and you're late.

You come up to a busy intersection. There's one car there.

And the light turns green, but the car doesn't budge.

Then it turns yellow and red.

Then the light turns green again.

The car is still stationary.

And now maybe you get out of your car to see what's going on. You walk up there.

He looks up at you.

She's got tears in her eyes.

And in the back seat is a baby that's turning blue.

And you realize, oh, that's why the car is stationary.

And here's the point of that perspective.

There's always a baby in the back seat.

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