That military command began our recent inspection by the U.S. Army here at Boys Town. My name is Jafar and I am the Battalion Commander for Boys Town's Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). Our Cowboy Battalion was inspected on March 10, 2023.

Jafar shaking handsThe Mission of JROTC is “To motivate young people to be better citizens." I have been in the JROTC for three years and believe me, inspection day is a big day.
The Army sends two Staff Sergeants for inspection. They inspect every one's uniform and ask the Cadets questions and see if they have “military bearing." Two others inspect the Color Guard and Drill Team. Those teams are observed to do the right sequences and achieve their “military bearing," as well.
Another Army staff member meets with the school principal to get a briefing on our Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and our Service-Learning Project (SLP). These show we are being properly taught by our instructors, and that the Cadets are taking Leadership Positions and performing their duties the correct way.
What went into our preparation for the inspection?
We go over all our guidelines that we were given at the beginning of the school year so we can perfect and fine tune them before the inspection. Afterwards, we put all the information onto slides to document our progression and provide that to those doing the inspection.
We received an excellent review by the Army inspectors.
The unique thing about JROTC is it is not a requirement here at Boys Town. Those of us in JROTC are here because we WANT to be here, and we are doing it for our own benefit. We do not have to go into the military after we graduate. Enlisting into the military is simply an option.
I chose to take part in JROTC because it provided stability and direction in my life. Ever since I started JROTC during my freshman year, I have been provided the proper discipline and support that I need. And if I ever wanted to go to the Military, I would be better prepared due to my training at Boys Town.
This inspection of our Boys Town Cadets showed that youth at Boys Town are no different than the ones at public schools. If anything, we have more opportunities. We have more behavioral help from our teachers, and our teachers love us. All of us in the Boys Town JROTC are thankful for this inspection -- and thankful for Boys Town.