Accreditations involve evaluations by independent third parties to ensure that organizations meet standards of quality and credibility. Boys Town uses the accreditation process to provide a framework to evaluate our programs and services against accepted criteria and standards, and to continually improve our evidence-based best practices to support our youth and families.
Accreditations validate Boys Town’s credibility and demonstrate our competency in high-quality residential care. We are proud to be fully accredited by the following organizations.
- Council on Accreditation: An organization that evaluates and provides accreditations to qualified residential treatment facilities based on their management practices, operations, governance, fiscal management and delivery of services. Boys Town has been fully accredited since 1990.
- Teaching Family Association: An organization that evaluates facilities on 15 standards related to performance and quality of treatment provided at all levels with a focus on the person receiving services, their families and practitioners. Boys Town has been fully accredited since 1979.
In addition:
- Nebraska State Licensing and Department of Health and Human Services representatives regularly visit Boys Town unannounced and have found no inconsistent or inaccurate reporting or violations.
- Boys Town has engaged the services of Praesidium, an independent firm with a more than 30-year history of helping organizations to prevent child abuse, to ensure our safety and adherence to the highest standards in abuse prevention.
- Foster Care Review Board: Members of this board regularly visit campus to learn more about our services and to see our programs in operation.
- Campus Visitors: Last year alone, Boys Town had more than 100 formal visitors including elected officials, judges, educators, service providers and donors.
- Parents and Guardians: Consumer engagement is a hallmark of our model of care. We encourage parents and guardians to visit in our Family Homes, attend campus events and participate as appropriate in the care of their child. In addition, parents and guardians are surveyed annually as part of staff evaluations.
For more than 100 years, Boys Town has maintained an unparalleled commitment to quality residential care. That legacy continues.