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Father Flangan kneeling down to show respect at a gravestone marked with a cross

Boys Town Shares Father Flanagan's Role in Helping Service Members During World War II

Media Outlet

On Veterans Day, Boys Town reflects on how its founding father helped those in uniform.

Father Edward Flanagan founded his boys' home in 1917, which would later become Boys Town.

Thomas Lynch, director of community programs, said Father Flanagan encouraged those who lived at Boys Town to volunteer for the military.

The founder also helped the young men as they served.

"Throughout the war period, they would write him letters, and we have hundreds of letters in the archives of them writing to him, talking about their experiences, during the war and how they needed assistance. And he'd always write back," Lynch said.

After his death in 1948, the American War Dads Association declared Flanagan as "the world's greatest war dad."

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