Juvenile Justice
Quality Residential Care: The Right Care at the Right Time
At-risk youth should be served in their homes or foster care whenever possible. That's why more than 90% of the youth who receive Boys Town services are able to stay with their families or be placed in family-like settings.
When Less-Restrictive Options Fail…
High-quality, family-based residential care such as the Teaching Family Model has shown to be the best option for some at-risk, high-needs children. Many of these youth have serious behavioral or emotional problems and have needs that cannot be met through less-restrictive approaches.
Why is high-quality, family-based residential care right for some youth?
- It is unrealistic to expect foster parents to manage the extreme behavior manifested by some youth.
- The trained professionals in high quality, family-based residential care are experienced at maintaining a safe environment free from abuse, crime, drugs and physical discipline, even when managing a home with multiple youth.
- Youth with more serious behavior problems who have been placed in the evidence-based Boys Town Family Home ProgramSM have shown greater improvements than similar youth in traditional foster or community care settings.
When foster or community care settings fail youth with behavioral or emotional problems, our society owes these children another option. The evidence-based Teaching Family Model and the Boys Town Family Home ProgramSM deliver improved outcomes and a safe environment for many of these children, at a lower long-term cost.

Over its 100 plus year history, Boys Town has earned frequent praise and recognition for its positive and effective approach to meeting the needs of juvenile offenders. With a philosophy that focuses on accountability, responsibility and rehabilitation, Boys Town’s residential program is a proven, cost-effective alternative to incarceration for these boys and girls. Instead of living in a correctional environment that can often reinforce or perpetuate criminal behavior, juveniles at Boys Town are part of a family that teaches them positive behaviors and social skills, and respect for themselves and others.

Stay Informed
Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice and legislators are encouraged to contact:
Margaret Vacek