Boys Town Logo
Boys Town Logo

Our Mission - More Than a Century of Service

Changing the Way America Cares for Children & Families

Since 1917, Boys Town has been committed to the vision and legacy of our founder, Father Edward J. Flanagan, who wisely said, “When you help a child today, you write the history of tomorrow.”

As long as there are children and families in need, our life-changing work will continue.

There are Thousands

​​​What would happen if you could improve circumstances for those who are suffering from abuse, addiction, or abandonment, so they could reach their potential? We believe that every child deserves a future, every family deserves to stay together and every community deserves to thrive.

So, for the young man dodging gunfire on the streets just to get to school, the family torn apart by substance abuse, and the community crumbling from neglect and social disorder, Boys Town offers hope…to the thousands in need.

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