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Help us on our Mission to Teach Love with Praise.

Your support can help us get more resources into the hands of educators, parents, and kids all across America. Help us #RaiseThePraise with a gift today.

Let's Teach More Love Using the Power of PRAISE

The youth mental health crisis is something we all need to address and Boys Town is on a mission to change the environments our children live in. We are asking parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone involved in the life of a child to help build up the praise for our kids.

How to Give Effective Praise

Let’s face it, we tend to react most when we catch kids misbehaving. But research shows that if we change the focus and praise kids 4 times for every time we correct them, their behaviors and your relationship will get better! Boys Town has gathered several resources for parents, teachers, caregivers and kids to help build up the praise in their environments.

Resources for Parents

When children are constantly reinforced for positive behaviors, they gradually make those behaviors a permanent part of who they are and how they act.

We've got the tools and resources for parents to learn how to effectively use more praise in the home.

Resources for Educators

Effective praise can not only change how kids behave in your classroom, it can improve the mental health of your students.

We've got lesson plans and guides to help schools and educators incorporate more praise into the curriculum.

Resources for Kids

If you want to feel better about yourself, the first thing you need do is stop being your own worst enemy. Stop getting down on yourself when things don't go the way you would like. Feeling better about yourself takes work, but you can do it if you're serious about it. 

Raise the praise in your home with the "4-to-1 Rule." Praise positive actions 4 times for every misbehavior you correct.

Our exclusive praise-lets consist of one blue (correction) bracelet and four yellow (praise) bracelets. Each time you correct a behavior or catch them doing something that you have to correct, move the blue bracelet over to your other wrist. The four remaining yellow bracelets are your reminders to catch them being good four times within the next hour or so.


Raise the Praise

Remember, if you are constantly focusing only on what the child is doing wrong, the negative environment can leave both parents and kids frustrated. By catching them being good and giving praise you can actually strengthen the relationship between you and your child! 

Your support today can help us get more resources like these into the hands of educators, parents, and kids all across America.

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