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National Hotline Impact by State

Hover over your state to see the number of total calls made and those made specifically by youth. See the number of calls that dealt with suicide ideation and mental health. And, see the number of suicides in progress that were prevented by our trained crisis counselors. Boys Town is proud to support children and families ALL across America.

<  1,000
1,000 - 2,500
2,500 - 5,000
5,000 - 7,500
>  7,500

Over 10,800 Youth Suicides Have Been Prevented by the Boys Town Hotline In the Last 20 Years

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We know that children across America are struggling. In the coming years, as many as 1.5 million children will need support for their mental health needs.

Last year, the Boys Town Hotline stopped 468 suicides in progress and answered calls, texts and emails from over 111,000 individuals. We need your help to keep these critical services accessible to kids when they need it. 

Thank you for your generosity, please make your tax-deductible gift today.

What Are the Top Issues Kids are Facing?

These are the top reasons young people contacted us in 2024.

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